Difference Tracker - Mass movement particle tracker --------------------------------------------------- Difference tracker was originally developed to analyse the movement of mitochondria through axons. This type of data features a large number of moving particles which often exhibit low contrast against the background and can move behind stationary objects. The aim for this kind of data was not to get the most complete track possible for any individual particle, but to collect relevant aggregate statistics for the movie as a whole. Difference tracker contains two ImageJ plugins. Difference filter extracts the moving parts of an image to enhance the contrast of the motile particles. From there the Mass Particle Tracker tracks this large set of particles and works out a set of statistics for the number, size and rate and direction of movement for the particles. Difference Tracker is distributed as a single compiled jar file. To install the plugins simply save this file to the 'plugins' folder of your ImageJ installation. The Difference Tracker menu should appear in your plugins menu the next time you start ImageJ. If you have any comments about Difference Tracker we would like to hear them. You can either enter them in our bug tracking system at: http://www.bioinformatics.bbsrc.ac.uk/bugzilla/ ..or send them directly to simon.andrews@bbsrc.ac.uk.