RELEASE NOTES FOR ASAP v0.1.2 (09 Jan 2012) ------------------------------------------- Added an extra check for single-end and paired-end files which prevents error messages when a chromosome is not present in equivalent genomes (e.g. if one genome does not have MT as a chromosome). Fixed a counting bug for --dissimilar alignment mode where sequences aligning equally well to both genomes were counted for "multiple alignments to the same genome" instead of "aligning equally well to both dissimilar genomes". This should now work as intended in both single-end and paired-end mode. Removed the requirement of paired-end sequences to have identical sequence IDs. Increased the chunkmbs default size to 512MB (up from 256). RELEASE NOTES FOR ASAP v0.1.1 (16 Aug 2011) ------------------------------------------- ASAP now takes both comma and space separated file names as input. Increased the chunkmbs default size to 256MB (up from 64). Updated the --help option. RELEASE NOTES FOR ASAP v0.1.0 (07 July 2011) -------------------------------------------- ASAP v0.1.0 is an initial beta release and as such is still a work in progress. We have successfully used ASAP for various genomes (mainly mouse and Yeast). In our tests the code appeared to be working as expected. We did not yet have datasets of our own to fully test the paired-end module, however initial tests looked fine, too. We have initially designed ASAP to support the kinds of analyses we require, thus if you have some ideas or suggestions which could be implemented please let us know. You can report feedback or bugs directly to: